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From Words to Action: Addressing Obesity Together

Launching a Declaration for National Action Plans for Obesity

OHSR Logo World Obesity Day Europe

On 4 March 2022, the MEP Interest Group on Obesity and Health System Resilience will host a public event to launch its Declaration for National Action Plans on Obesity. The European Association for the Study of Obesity acts as the expert secretariat to the group, and we are pleased to invite you to join virtually.

The declaration launch will be followed by three panel discussions:

  • One year on from the launch of the MEP Interest Group
  • WHO Europe Obesity Report: What is there and what is missing?
  • “Healthier Together”: How can we support the Member States to make a difference on obesity?

World Obesity Day Europe 2022 (#ObesityDayEurope on social media) is the perfect opportunity to take stock. During the past year, the Commission’s Policy Briefing categorises obesity as an NCD in its own right and as a gateway disease to other priority NCDs. We want to consider how to move forward now to support EU Member States in evidence-based policy interventions which can enable them to apply an NCD framework in addressing obesity. Our event will be available in English, French and Spanish.

Pernille Weiss MEP

World Obesity Day Europe 2022 (#ObesityDayEurope on social media) is the perfect opportunity to take stock.