
You will see World Obesity Day Europe flags, representing different countries, being widely used to draw attention to the day on March 4. If you want to make your flags, you can download the colourful artwork here and follow the easy instructions.

How to make the flags

The logo for the world obesity day in europe.
Belgium is addressing obesity together.
Bulgaria is addressing obesity together.
Czech republic is addressing obesity together.
Denmark is addressing obesity together.
England is addressing obesity together.
World obesity day france addressing obesity together.
Germany is addressing obesity together is world obesity day.
Greece is addressing obesity together.
World obesity day - hungary is addressing obesity together.
Iceland is addressing obesity together.
Ireland is addressing obesity together.
Israel addresses obesity together is world obesity day.
Italy is addressing obesity together.
Lithuania is addressing obesity together.
Luxembourg is addressing obesity together.
World obesity day - netherlands is obese together.
Northern ireland is addressing obesity together.
Norway is addressing obesity together.
Poland is addressing obesity together.
Portugal is addressing obesity together.
Romania is addressing obesity together.
Scotland is addressing obesity together.
Slovakia is addressing obesity together.
Spain addressing obesity together is world obesity day.
World obesity day europe sweden addressing obesity together.
Switzerland is obese together.
World obesity day turkey is addressing obesity together.
United kingdom is addressing obesity together.
A colorful background with text.