Czech Republic
Experts from STOB (Scientific Society) as well as patients from STOB Klub (patient organization) with the support of ECPO (European Coalition of People Living With Obesity) are preparing multiple events to mark World Obesity Day Europe in the Czech Republic.
Free health check-ups
Obesity risk analysis and medical advice with healthcare professionals in different cities around the country. A list of locations will be published soon:
Obesity Stigma Seminar
Discussion with experts around the stigma that people living with obesity face with the moderation of Šárka Slabá, a clinical psychologist and member of the board of the Czech Obesity Society.
When: March 1
Where: in Prague (location to be specified soon)
Online live broadcasting:
Free Fitness Classes Online
Sign up at
- Sunday 5 March 2023 18.00–18.45 low-aerobics and strengthening , Hana Hejlová
- Sunday 5 March 2023 18.45–19.30 health exercise , Hana Hejlová
- Monday 6 March 2023 17.00–18.00 training of the whole body with the aim of being fit , Olga Běhounková
- Tuesday 7 March 2023 18–19 exercise for a flexible body and a positive mind with a mini -debate with Hanka Hejlova and Iva Málková on the topics of how to exercise properly, how to orient yourself in different directions of exercise, why include exercise snacks and how to motivate yourself to exercise.