SKLON Broadcast on the topic: Let’s talk about obesity.
Slovakia organization SKLON will mark World Obesity Day with a live broadcast event supported by ECPO. A discussion between healthcare professionals and patients with the focus on the challenges for people living with obesity in this country.
Hot Topics:
- How is it to live with obesity in Slovakia?
- What is happening in the country to fight weight stigma?
- Why is it important to put patients at the center of all shares, policies, and decisions related to the disease and to give them more voice?
Main Speakers:
- Hana Vrabcová, founder and president of the Slovak Coalition of People with Obesity and Overweight (SKLON).
- Michal Rafajdus, assistant professor at the Faculty of Health and Social Work of the University of Trnava
- Janka, patient living with obesity that had bariatric surgery
March 4