World Obesity Day takes place on Monday, March 4

World Obesity Day takes place on Monday, March 4

Download the Press Release World Obesity Day Europe, held each year to draw attention to Europe’s growing obesity epidemic and the need for better prevention and treatment, will take place on Monday, March 4. The European edition of the global event – World...
Europe is getting ready for World Obesity Day

Europe is getting ready for World Obesity Day

Obesity organisations, healthcare providers, and people living with obesity across Europe are preparing for World Obesity Day, which takes place on Monday, March 4. The European edition of the global event – World Obesity Day Europe – is held annually to draw...
EASO and ECPO launch a guide to holding virtual events

EASO and ECPO launch a guide to holding virtual events

The European Association of the Study of Obesity (EASO) and the European Coalition for People Living with Obesity (ECPO) have launched a new guide to holding online events. Recognising that virtual dialogue will continue to be an essential part of our communications...